Duke of Edinburgh Award - Silver & Bronze Training & Assessment
The centre has many years experience in providing training and assessment and facilitation for the D of E Award.
We hold a D of E licence and are accredited by the D of E.
We can offer training, practice expeditions, qualifying expeditions and staff support for expeditions if you are running your own expedition. WE only offer this option to groups, not individuals.
Clients often ask us to deliver training looking at the following elements:
- Planning routes
- Packing
- Group safety
- Navigation
- Camp craft
- Expedition skills
- Leadership
- Managing risk
- Facing challenges
- Self reliance
- Respect for the environment
- Remote supervision
Types of Expedition
Most clients choose to expedition on foot. However another option to use sea kayaks around the coastline of Anglesey.
The Package
Many of our clients take our package option. As we are accredited it means paper and route logistics are made simpler. In addition to this, working under Blue Peris means there is local knowledge to hand, your course is covered under the centres AALA licence, and we use our direct pool of approved assessors.
Supply of ML Staff
Another popular service we offer is the provision of staff qualified to remote supervise groups on expedition. This allows groups to use their own staff, to assist with expedition logistics, thus keeping costs down.
Assessor Status
The centre has 6 qualified and approved D of E assessors.
Rather than advertise varied course options we specialise on designing courses to suit clients needs. We have found this gives a more flexible service and helps meets the needs of the customer more directly.
We will require you to complete a booking form once discussions have taken place with the centre.
To Discuss Further
Please contact Mark Richards, the centre manager on 01286 870853 or email [email protected]