Indoor Climbing
Indoor climbing is one of the biggest growth sports within the UK. It is an exhilarating and rewarding challenge, and one which is not weather dependant. Expect lots of hands-on activity and opportunities for learning. It is a great wet weather alternative to climbing outdoors, and it is also perfect for an evening activity session.
The climbing wall allows you to tackle a variety of features, including slabs, chimneys, plus vertical and overhanging walls; you can also try your hand at bouldering. We will teach you safe practice and skills which can be used in any climbing wall in the UK.
With self-confidence, co-operation, trust, team work and new skills as learning outcomes, students will definitely come away feeling tired and challenged, but also satisfied.
The indoor wall environment allows us to nurture each individual participant and ensure everyone in the group achieves to appropriate levels.
We will kit you out in a harness, rock shoes, helmet and provide all the technical equipment. All you require is clothing which allows freedom of movement and flexibility.
Wet weather alternative
If your course programme does not initially include rock climbing, but you decide you would like to take the opportunity when you are here, then we do require your organisation to pay the entrance fee currently £9.00 per perosn ( 2023 )
Unless we use the small Blue Peris climbing wall which is available for no charge. However this is really only appropraite for Year 6 and below